Adventure to Asia // The Preface

As most of you already know (because it's become the highlight of my existence), a few days from now I'll be setting off on a backpacking trip across SE Asia for the next two months. Since I've been getting a lot of questions about the details of my trip, I thought I'd throw together a brief podcast to clue everyone into our plans - at least, whatever plans we've made so far :) 

This does mean, however, that Känsla is going to be dormant for a brief period of time. Please feel free to keep up with whatever glimpses of the adventure I'm able to share via Instagram (@zoecazal), otherwise, check back here in September for photo recaps, travel diaries, epic storytellings and of course, a big ol' batch of songs you'll absolutely need to hear. 

I want to take one last second to say THANK YOU to everyone that made this possible. First and foremost, thank you to my parents and family for their endless support and unconditional love. Secondly, thank you to the Akhtar, the Marquez and the Melucci families for your support, you all really made this trip happen for me and I could not be more appreciative. Thanks to the Griffins for your guidance and also for hooking it up with the necessary travel gear. Thanks to Rosabelle for loaning me her backpack otherwise I don't think this would be possible hehe, and big thanks to the rest of my friends for being the greatest supporters and best friends in the world. Lastly, thank you to all my yoga teachers, spiritual guides and inspirational mentors along the way who have gradually encouraged me to take the journey down the path of deepening my yogic practice. I cannot wait to earn the title of a yoga teacher and do the same for others. 

Have a great summer my wonderful kinfolk! Catch y'all on the flipside :)